Hello Hundstein

One day and one night at the highest Grasberg in Salzburgerland

One day and one night at the highest Grasberg in Salzburgerland

One day and one night at the highest Grasberg in Salzburgerland
One day and one night at the highest Grasberg in Salzburgerland

One day and one night at the highest Grasberg in Salzburgerland

A sunrise and a sunset are among the things I cannot see often enough! The beautiful and consistent weather in July has really made me look for the best spot for a sunrise and a sunset. And I found it here in the region Hochkönig am Hundstein!

"5-billion-Star" Hotel!
To escape the heat in the valley I decided to spend a few days up in the mountains to enjoy the summer freshness. This time I wanted to try something I have never done before: Stay overnight under the open sky, in a "5-billion-star" hotel!

For this I packed my big red hiking backpack with enough provisions, all-weather clothes, a thermal mattress and a bivouac sleeping bag. This time again my dog and the camera were with me to capture the best moments as a memory. And already I was in the middle of the adventure!

So in the late afternoon I climb up the Hundstein step by step. With 2117 m above sea level it is one of the highest grass mountains in the region. Those who have already been to the Hundstein know that it is more of a challenging hike than a walk up there, but the goal is already in sight from far away and the sun is also leaning towards the horizon. Again and again I turn around and marvel at the wide panoramic view, which you only get to see on this mountain!

Shortly below the summit I set up my camp for the night, because it would be too windy up there. I sit down warmly wrapped in my sleeping bag, enjoy the moment and watch the most beautiful sunset ever: the Alps are glowing, great cinema, and much better than Netflix! I just don't have the words and I hope these pictures describe the moment for you!

Mein Sonnenaufgang
Am nächsten Morgen weckt mich ein erster Sonnenstrahl, der bereits hinter den Bergen hervor scheint. Nach kurzem blinzeln bin ich wach, spüre die Wärme der Sonne auf meiner Haut und bestaune den Sonnenaufgang bei Kaiserwetter – Die Welt erwacht! Noch genieße ich die Ruhe am Berg, doch bald wachen auch die Schafe und Kühe auf der Alm auf und die eine oder andere Glocke ist bereits zu hören! Was für ein Erlebnis! Für mich der schönste Sonnenunter- und Aufgang aller Zeiten!

Nachdem ich mein Nachtlager wieder im Rucksack verstaut haben, bin ich die letzten Höhenmeter zum Statzerhaus am Hundstein aufgestiegen. Hans, der Hüttenwirt, bereitete mir ein köstliches Frühstück zu und servierte dazu einen Kaffee! Nachdem ich ihm von meinem Abenteuer erzählt hatte, lachte er, schüttelte den Kopf und wünschte mir einen sicheren Abstieg ins Tal!